MSc Dissertation - Week 6 - Mining, Processing & Geochemistry

With the samples in the bags, photographed and weighed – I prepared them for the geochemical assay in the on-site laboratory of Rudnik mine. Upon my visit to the laboratory and I was presented the with the process of sample preparation and analysis by Ljiljana, the laboratory manager.
This was particularly interesting to me as I was involved with sample preparation, geochemical analysis and metallurgical testing in previous employment. Because of this I was well aware on the critical points of sample preparation which can influence the reliability of the assay. My impression is that the Rudnik laboratory operates well within industry best practice which is underlined by the QAQC data of blanks, duplicates and standards that I have seen.
After seeing the laboratory, I got a tour of the Rudnik mineral processing facility. During the in-depth tour I was presented with the entire comminution and separation process from stockpile to shipping concentrate. The whole plant made a very well maintained impression to me and it was interesting to see at which points of the process sub samples for assay are taken and ore is weighed for reconciliation purposes. Thanks to Saša and Milovan for the great tour and explanation.
The next day we visited one of the current production stopes. Being accompanied by Petar, the underground technical manager of the mine, we visited an underground stope and followed the path of the ore from to the extraction level. Mining is achieved in a Room & Pillar method with roof bolting and anchoring. The mined rock is transported through several ore passes and extraction levels to the main -150m extraction level, which feeds the main stockpile for ore and waste.
To see the entire mining process was a very important part of this placement for me, as my MSc course ‘Mining Geology’ is principally dealing with the tasks of a geologist in the extractive industry. An integrated comprehension all aspects involved is a strong asset for every graduate who wants to work in this industry.
With my placement nearing an end, I will complete my data acquisition in the coming days and head back to Belgrade to meet Milan, the database and GIS geologist.
I am left to thank everyone, especially the PDT-team, for the support I received during my great time at Rudnik and in Serbia. I was overwhelmed the hospitality of the people and the beauty of the land, which I am looking forward to visit again soon.
СРЕЋНО ! – Glückauf !
Richard Roethe