Gross mine was acquired by Mineco from liquidation in 2006. The mine processes 330,000 tpa of lead & zinc sulphide ore and employs circa 530 people. Click here to view Gross mine's website.

There has been mining at Gross since the 14th Century; locally the mine is called “Sase” in recognition of the Saxons who first mined this ore body. Extensive Saxon workings remain and Gross maintains a museum to display the artefacts collected on a weekly basis within the mine. Following extensive geological exploration in the 1950s and 60s modern mining started in 1964. The mine ran continuously until the outbreak of the civil war after which very limited operations recommenced in 1998. It was only with Mineco’s purchase and the subsequent investment made into repairing the mine and processing plant in 2006 that full operating capacity was achieved.
The Gross deposit, part of the Srebrenica volcanic complex, consists of over 100 separate mineralised veins of which 30 have been mined to date within an exploration area of 125 km2. Current reserves are estimated at over 6.7 million tonnes, with a further 20 million tonnes of C2 (JORC “Inferred”). Gross mines 330,000 tpa of sulphide ore which is transported above ground to the processing plant. After crushing and grinding the ore is treated by a conventional froth flotation circuit concentrating, in order, the lead and zinc. These concentrates are shipped for smelting and the waste material (the “tailings”) is placed in an environmentally controlled dam adjacent to the mine.
Corporate Responsibility
Gross mine is the largest employer in the Srebenica district and Mineco is proud to be an important part of the ongoing efforts to rebuild this community following the ravages of the civil war. The mine enjoys excellent relations with the local population, supporting social and sporting initiatives throughout the region. The mine sits above the Drina river, an indirect tributary of the Danube, and as such Management place huge focus on environmental protections measures, including the extensive refurbishment of the tailings pond water diversion system in 2013.