MINEX Conference in Belgrade
20 Jun 2017

On Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th of June Mineco attending the second MINEX Europe Mining & Exploration Forum held in Belgrade, Serbia. Taking advantage of the increased mineral exploration in Serbia, this year's Forum was very attended by both international and regional natural resources players. Dominic Roberts used the Forum to present the IMP@CT project to the audience of some 200 mining professionals - included in which was the Head of the European Agency responsible for the H2020 Raw Materials Funding. Dominic also represented the Serbian mining industry during the panel discussion, answering questions on health & safety (an opportunity to inform the audience that Mineco's Rudnik mine has become the first company in Serbia to be awarded the European Union excellence award for standards of occupational health and safety) and the challenges of maintaining the highest standards of environmental project in smaller mining projects. Concurrently the UK's Department for International Trade brought a delegation of UK engineering and consultancy firms to Serbia. A very well organised and executed conference.